31 research outputs found

    Studium und Ausbildung als Projekt: Zur Zukunft des bibliothekarischen Berufsfeldes

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    Zurückgehende Absolventenzahlen einerseits, Schwierigkeiten bei der Besetzung von Stellen andererseits bei gleichzeitig hohem Personalbedarf in Bibliotheken sind miteinander verschränkte Entwicklungen, die ein Überdenken von Ausbildung und Studium erfordern. Der Beitrag versteht sich als Impuls und verzichtet daher auf einen systematischen Überblick zur laufenden Debatte, er wird zum Teil zum Pladoyer. Aus dem Blickwinkel einer großen und traditionell in den verschiedenen Zweigen der Ausbildung engagierten Bibliothek nimmt der Beitrag in einer ersten Annäherung eine Situationsanalyse vor, erweitert dann den Betrachtungsraum auf das Prinzip Bibliothek, um dann Anforderungsprofile an zukünftige Mitarbeitende und an die Ausbildungsstellen zu diskutieren. Im abschließenden Resümee wird deutlich, dass das Prinzip der Spartenspezifik in der Ausbildung, dass die Bibliotheken traditionell ausgeprägt haben, in die Zukunft hinein nicht mehr trägt.Declining numbers of graduates on the one hand, difficulties in filling positions on the other, and at the same time high staffing needs in libraries are intertwined developments that require a rethinking of training and studies. This article is intended as an impulse and therefore does not provide a systematic overview of the ongoing debate, it becomes in part a pladoyer. From the perspective of a large library that has traditionally been involved in the various branches of education, the article initially analyses the situation, then expands the scope to include the principle of the library, and then discusses the requirement profiles for future employees and for training positions. In the concluding summary, it becomes clear that the principle of sector-specificity in training, which libraries have traditionally developed, is no longer sustainable in the future.Peer Reviewe

    Lizenzierungsservice Vergriffene Werke (VW-LiS) – ein neuer Dienst der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek

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    Vor allem die bestehende urheberrechtliche Situation verhindert die Digitalisierung von Beständen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Basierend auf einem EU-Memorandum hat der deutsche Gesetzgeber durch eine Neuregelung für die Materialart Buch eine Möglichkeit geschaffen: Nach dem Erwerb einer entsprechenden Lizenz bewegt sich die digitalisierende Einrichtung bei der öffentlichen Bereitstellung digitalisierter Bücher in einem rechtssicheren Raum. In Kooperation mit dem DeutschenBibliotheksverband (dbv), der VG Wort und VG Bild-Kunst sowie dem Deutschen Patent- und Markenamt (DPMA) hat die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB) bis Juli 2015 einen Dienst entwickelt, der die Ermittlung vergriffener Bücher sowie ihre Lizenzierung im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Vorgabe wesentlich erleichtert. Dieser Dienst wird hier vorgestellt und eingeordnet.The existing copyright situation prevents the digitization of collections of the 20th century. Based on a European memorandum, the German legislature has created a new way for books: After the acquisition of the appropriate licence, the digitization becomes possible; the public provision of digitized books takes place in a legally safeguarded manner. In cooperation with the German Library Association (dbv), the copyright collecting agencies Wort and VG Bild-Kunst and the DPMA, the German National Library (DNB) has until July 2015 developed a service which significantly facilitates the identification of out-of-commerce-books as well as their licensing under the new regulation. The new service will be presented and explained

    NFDI4Culture - Consortium for research data on material and immaterial cultural heritage

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    Digital data on tangible and intangible cultural assets is an essential part of daily life, communication and experience. It has a lasting influence on the perception of cultural identity as well as on the interactions between research, the cultural economy and society. Throughout the last three decades, many cultural heritage institutions have contributed a wealth of digital representations of cultural assets (2D digital reproductions of paintings, sheet music, 3D digital models of sculptures, monuments, rooms, buildings), audio-visual data (music, film, stage performances), and procedural research data such as encoding and annotation formats. The long-term preservation and FAIR availability of research data from the cultural heritage domain is fundamentally important, not only for future academic success in the humanities but also for the cultural identity of individuals and society as a whole. Up to now, no coordinated effort for professional research data management on a national level exists in Germany. NFDI4Culture aims to fill this gap and create a usercentered, research-driven infrastructure that will cover a broad range of research domains from musicology, art history and architecture to performance, theatre, film, and media studies. The research landscape addressed by the consortium is characterized by strong institutional differentiation. Research units in the consortium's community of interest comprise university institutes, art colleges, academies, galleries, libraries, archives and museums. This diverse landscape is also characterized by an abundance of research objects, methodologies and a great potential for data-driven research. In a unique effort carried out by the applicant and co-applicants of this proposal and ten academic societies, this community is interconnected for the first time through a federated approach that is ideally suited to the needs of the participating researchers. To promote collaboration within the NFDI, to share knowledge and technology and to provide extensive support for its users have been the guiding principles of the consortium from the beginning and will be at the heart of all workflows and decision-making processes. Thanks to these principles, NFDI4Culture has gathered strong support ranging from individual researchers to highlevel cultural heritage organizations such as the UNESCO, the International Council of Museums, the Open Knowledge Foundation and Wikimedia. On this basis, NFDI4Culture will take innovative measures that promote a cultural change towards a more reflective and sustainable handling of research data and at the same time boost qualification and professionalization in data-driven research in the domain of cultural heritage. This will create a long-lasting impact on science, cultural economy and society as a whole

    e-Infrastructure and Digital Preservation: Challenges and Outlook

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    Undoubtedly, long-term preservation has raised a great deal of attention worldwide, but in a broader perspective the attention is out of proportion compared to the number of real operational solutions – not to mention the big picture of a comprehensive digital preservation infrastructure. Up to now, the existing digital preservation infrastructure mainly consists of a small number of scattered trusted long-term archiving data repositories, which have the control of and the responsibility for our digital heritage. The ongoing discussion on e-Infrastructure points out that we are still lacking reliable structures which support the expected integrated digital preservation infrastructure provided jointly by cultural heritage organizations, data centers and data producers. The slow development towards a global integrated digital preservation infrastructure in combination with adjacent pressing questions for the information infrastructure in general has led to an extended strategic discussion within the last years in Europe and the US: In studies, position papers and evaluation approaches we find elaborated building blocks for a roadmap and definitions for a more advanced landscape. With a focus especially on the German situation and on existing and ongoing practical experiences, the paper discusses reasons and strategic aspects which maybe can illuminate the prohibitive factors for the unassertive progress

    Data for the Future: the German Project "Co-operative Development of a Long-term Digital Information Archive" (kopal)

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    One of the open problems of the global information society is to ensure the long-term accessibility of digital documents. kopal tackles this problem head-on: In a three-year project, financially supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, kopal's objective is the practical testing and implementation of a cooperatively created and run long-term archival system for digital resources. The solution is based on DIAS (Digital Information and Archiving System), jointly devised by IBM and the National Library of The Netherlands in The Hague, and will be adopted to the project needs with several extensions. The system will be implemented in accordance with international standards for long-term archiving and metadata within the OAIS framework (Open Archival Information System). The project partners, Die Deutsche Bibliothek (DDB), Göttingen State and University Library (SUB Göttingen), IBM Deutschland GmbH and the Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG), will establish a cooperatively reusable solution for cultural heritage institutions, as well as for business and industry. Additionally, the project partners DDB and SUB Göttingen develop within the project a software for the input and the access of data, which will be released under an open-source license

    e-Infrastructure and Digital Preservation: Challenges and Outlook: Paper - iPRES 2009 - San Francisco

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    Undoubtedly, long-term preservation has raised a great deal of attention worldwide, but in a broader perspective the attention is out of proportion compared to the number of real operational solutions – not to mention the big picture of a comprehensive digital preservation infrastructure. Up to now, the existing digital preservation infrastructure mainly consists of a small number of scattered trusted long-term archiving data repositories, which have the control of and the responsibility for our digital heritage. The ongoing discussion on e-Infrastructure points out that we are still lacking reliable structures which support the expected integrated digital preservation infrastructure provided jointly by cultural heritage organizations, data centers and data producers. The slow development towards a global integrated digital preservation infrastructure in combination with adjacent pressing questions for the information infrastructure in general has led to an extended strategic discussion within the last years in Europe and the US: In studies, position papers and evaluation approaches we find elaborated building blocks for a roadmap and definitions for a more advanced landscape. With a focus especially on the German situation and on existing and ongoing practical experiences, the paper discusses reasons and strategic aspects which maybe can illuminate the prohibitive factors for the unassertive progress

    Persistent Identifiers: Presentation - iPRES 2004 - Beijing

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    The electronic publishing process implies in generell certain attributes: "fast, cost-saving, worldwide acessible". Seen from the author's or the user's perspective, however, those attributes are sufficient to ensure permanent access to the electronic publication? The usual experience with the Internet promises not a sufficient result: URLs don't offer a mechanism that allows internet based publications to be identified unequivocally and being traceable at anytime. One solution to that situation is being provided by Persistent Identifiers such as Uniform Resource Names (URN), whose implementation Die Deutsche Bibliothek consolidates within the scope of the project EPICUR. An implementation in local contexts cannot provide the persistency of that addressing scheme on its own. For example, if an institution ceases the maintenance and provision of a digital collection, their references – even when applied by a persistent adressing scheme – would equally be volatile as in case of URLs. To ensure a long-term usability of a permanent addressing scheme such as URN, it is necessary tocreate an infrastructure with an institutional backup. The talk focusses on a general description of the Persistent Identifier activities worldwide and on productive implementations. Based on the EPICUR project in Die Deutsche Bibliothek, a prospect on continuative activities will be given

    Information Life Cycle Management and Long Term Preservation - Technical Aspects Of Workflow Organisation: Presentation - iPRES 2005 - Göttingen

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    Publications were traditionally distributed in the form of print media, but with the advent of global electronic networks many are now being disseminated as digital documents. This evolutionary shift significantly changes the task profile of libraries and especially concerns archive libraries, which are entrusted with the preservation of a nation's cultural heritage. As libraries expand their scope to accommodate digital objects, they can no longer resort to established methods for archiving print, but must adapt their organisation and operation to meet a completely new set of requirements. These new requirements are spelled out within the framework of Information Lifecycle Management (ILM), which is used in industry and commerce as a standard model for such analysis. This analysis also enables Die Deutsche Bibliothek's present situation to be mapped out in a generalized manner. ILM boils down to a strategic model for actively managing the storage and retrieval of digital objects throughout their entire life cycle. Which guidelines, methods and instruments are best suited to provide a cost-effective and mission-adequate infrastructure for archived data and their accessory applications? Die Deutsche Bibliothek is currently leading the cooperative development of a deposit system for digital resources (kopal: Co-operative Development of a Long-Term Digital Information Archive), which will be presented as a background for discussing key aspects of these requirements and their consequences for systems implementation. A final step will illustrate the practical impact of these consequences on the operating processes which are currently being developed.Veröffentlichungen werden traditionsgemäß in gedruckter Form verbreitet, aber mit dem Aufkommen des Internets werden heutzutage viele Dokumente in digitaler Form zur Verfügung gestellt. Diese evolutionäre Entwicklung verändert das Aufgabenprofil der Bibliotheken entscheidend. Dies betrifft insbesondere Bibliotheken mit bestimmten Archivierungsfunktionen, die für die Erhaltung des nationalen kulturellen Erbes verantwortlich sind. Da Bibliotheken ihr Aufgabenfeld auf digitale Objekte ausweiten, können sie sich nicht nur auf das Archivieren gedruckter Dokumente beschränken, sondern müssen ihre Organisationsstruktur und ihre Arbeitsabläufe den neuen Herausforderungen anpassen. Diese neuen Anforderungen sind im Rahmen des "Information Lifecycle Management (ILM)" formuliert, das sowohl in der Wirtschaft als auch in der Industrie als ein Standardmodel für die Analyse dieser Anforderungen genutzt wird. Die Analysen ermöglichen es auch der Deutschen Bibliothek ihre aktuelle Situation abzubilden. ILM fungiert hier als ein strategisches Modell, das die Aufbewahrung und das Retrieval der digitalen Objekte über deren gesamte Lebensdauer managt. Doch welche Richtlinien, Methoden und Instrumente sind für die archivierten Daten und ihre zugehörigen Anwendungen geeignet, die kosteneffektiv sind und eine Infrastruktur haben, die den Aufgaben angemessenen ist